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Wisconsin Wee One Auction

  • 10 Jan 2024
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Wisconsin Chapter GCSAA
Wee One Auction

at the 57th Annual Turfgrass Symposium
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
4:15-5:30 p.m.

To help support the Wee One Foundation, we're going to conduct an Auction at this year's Annual Turfgrass Symposium. The viewing/bidding of the items will take place on Wednesday, January 10 ending with a live auction during the evening reception. It's a great way to come together and raise funds for this worthy cause.

For golf course superintendents: please bid on items on behalf of your facility - the Wee One Foundation will send you an invoice for your winning bid and payment is not due until June 1, 2024.

For purveyors - please donate an item (see needed/suggested items below). It's a great way to support the Wee One and showcase your products/services at the same time. We encourage delivery of items to be arranged with the winning bidder at a mutually agreed upon date so products do not have to be brought to the Symposium. We do ask that you bring sell sheets/product descriptions to the event or send to use for promotion. 

We’re asking for a donation of products, goods, services or other items that would be valuable to auction off to our membership to generate funds for the Wee One Foundation. We’ll keep a running list of donated items for buyers to see, recognizing you as the donor. This can be a nice opportunity to gain exposure to new customers while supporting the Wee One. 

To make a donation, please use the REGISTER button to fill out the online form. 

Ideas for donated items that have been successful in the past: 

Turf Products (fungicides, herbicide,, other plant protectants)

Contracted Services (i.e. soil testing for 9 greens or 1/2 day of tree trimming with a 4 man crew or 18 greens aerified, laser leveling work)

Golf Course Accessories (custom set of golf flags, custom signage)

Landscape and hand tools (fertilizer spreaders, line trimmers, chain saws, blowers)

Sporting goods (golf clubs, fishing poles, firearms)

Irrigation heads and controls


Seed and Sod

Rounds of Golf (many vendors will purchase these for clients and customers)

Nursery plants/flowers and ornamentals

Dues and or Subscriptions

If you’re not sure about an item, please contact us – sometimes we can bundle items with others to create something that is desirable. 

If you have any questions, please contact:
Garrett Luck or Luke Cella

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